Actor Rana Daggubati and his wife, Miheeka Bajaj, are celebrating their fourth wedding anniversary today, August 8. On this special day, she shared a special photo of them taken during one of their trips abroad. She also shared an emotional note for Rana and called him her 'constant'. Rana and Miheeka got married in a traditional ceremony at Ramanaidu Studios on August 8, 2020, during the Covid-19 pandemic.
On August 8, Miheeka shared a post on her official Instagram page with a cute picture. She wrote, "Skipping along the road of life has never been more fun! Through the chaos and madness you’re my stillness and happiness. Amongst a sea of change I’m so glad to be able to call you my constant. There isn’t a love I have that is deeper than the one I have for you (sic)."
She added the hashtags 'To Infinity And Beyond', 'Love' and 'Miheeka Bajaj' to her post.
Rana Daggubati and Miheeka Bajaj got engaged in May 2020 in the presence of his friends and family. The couple got married on August 8, 2020, in Hyderabad.
Speaking at India Today's e-Mind Rocks 2020, Rana said, "I think I am growing up and it's time to get married. My fiancée Miheeka lives 3 km away from my house and we're in the same vicinity. Sometimes, you know when things are going smoothly. And I don't question it when things are going correctly. She's lovely and we make a great pair. We draw positive energy from one another. I am getting married on August 8. On the personal front, it's been the best time of my life, getting married to Miheeka. It's been pretty awesome."
On the work front, Rana Daggubati is presently shooting for Netflix's 'Rana Naidu: Season 2' with Victory Venkatesh.